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はじめての日本!アメリカ人英語教師の名古屋滞在記 An English teacher’s thoughts on Japan 01/15/2020

Level 3: Posts are between Level 1 (Beginner) and level 5 (Advanced).

Knowing Nagoya: Smackdown at the Shrine

So today's post goes back a few months to my first days in Nagoya. At the time I wanted to explore the neighborhood in which I live (Osu) and see what it had to offer.

Just a few minutes walk from the school there is a Shinto shrine called Osu-Kannon. I decided to go visit. As I approached, I heard loud noises and began to wonder how the Japanese did their religious ceremonies. Did the preachers shout like Baptist ministers in the USA? Did the crowds scream back their prayers? No and no. In fact, the first thing I saw in the shrine's yard was a semi-pro-wrestling match.

Yes, muscular masked men and women beating each other to the screams of the crowd. The acrobats jumped and punched and kicked in the shadow of the ancient shrine. The contrast was stark.

I thought the actors were well-practiced for their roles. They were sometimes dominant sometimes vulnerable. They were comical and then in turn aggressive. They certainly loved to be in the wrestling ring.

It turns out that Nagoya, and particularly Osu, hosts many events like this: wrestling, cosplay, antiques markets, auto festivals, beer festivals, concerts, and more. Visit the local magazine, Nagmag, for upcoming events.

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